Sendiio superior to myMailit Autoresponder

The Sendiio service will provide you an emailing and autoresponder program very cost effectively. This is especially useful for those small businesses and business start ups when business expenses need to be mitigated and kept low for the long run. Typically for active online marketers and large firms, emailing is one of the larger ongoing expenses. A new platform is on the scene now, providing a needed change.

You will be direct now to Sendiio when you click the checkout above. ⬆️ Sendiio is more recent and much better for communication. Happy emailing!

Sendiio (above) better than myMailIt public release early April 2018

Autoresponder Emailer Platform Sendiio exceeds myMailit



The Sendiio service will provide you an emailing and autoresponder program very cost effectively. This is especially useful for those small businesses and business start ups when business expenses need to be mitigated and kept low for the long run. Typically for active online marketers and large firms, emailing is one of the larger ongoing expenses. A new platform is on the scene now, providing a needed change.

You will be directed now to Sendiio when you click the sales page or checkout above. ⬆️ Sendiio is more recent and much better for communication. Happy emailing!


Sendiio (above) better than myMailIt released to the public early April 2018 (below)

myMailIt is going to grow quickly by providing a suitably functional and cost effective system for marketers, entrepreneurs, small business and established firms.

Experienced marketers realy like myMailit
If you have any kind of online business you will need to have (or get) an email service. All existing providers charge very hefty recurring monthly fees – until now with myMailit! myMailit is an emailing autoresponder system that the developer/creator solely uses; and will be a good fit for anyone… I am going to be using this system a lot now that it is being made available to the public. Get this top tier marketing tool that I am confident will help you with your business.


Product no longer available

myMailIt emailing and autoresponder

When it comes to myMailit, it is a full featured, cloud based email platform that allows unlimited subscribers and unlimited emails without a monthly fee. While this is the ‘next evolution’ to the original MailIt plugin do not let the similar name fool you. It is not an upgrade or a new version. myMailIt is not a WordPress plugin and is a completely new system build from the ground up as a cloud based platform with a ton of new features such as:

The ability to schedule emails and have them go out at any date or time in the future. You can set the platform to work in any timezone you like, and the system will also automatically create an alternate text based version of your emails for maximum deliverability.

The ability to create unlimited automatic follow up sequences that get sent to your subscribers. These sequences can also have unlimited emails in them.

The ability to create email lists that are single or double optin so you can be complaint with local emailing  regulations. You can also create forms that are designed to be compliant with the new European Union GDPR regulations.

A full featured drag and drop form builder so you can create optin forms that make you look professional and get maximum conversions. Full stat tracking and reporting.

Sold Out

… and way to many more features to list here…